Showa Kinen Park

Must See Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen) Tulip Garden: more than 200,000 Exotic Tulips in One Garden!!

[This blog is from last year 2019. This year, Showa Kinen Park is temporarily closed due to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) from March 28th, 2020 until who-knows-when. Therefore, currently you cannot visit Flower Festival.]

If you like flowers, or even if you don’t like flowers, you must go see Showa Memorial Park (昭和記念公園:しょうわきねんこうえん) in Tachikawa during the Flower Festival which is from March 23rd to May 26th this year in 2019.

Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen) is full of different kinds of flowers but what attracted me the most was Showa Memorial Park Tulip Garden. You will see 185 different kinds and more than 200,000 tulips in one garden!!! What?! There are that many different kinds of tulips?? YES!!

I visited Showa Memorial Park Tulip Garden on April 20th, 2019. Tulips were fully bloom and seeing more than 200,000 colorful tulips were just breathtaking.

I am sharing my photos that I took just using iPhone XS Max. So these pictures are not as beautiful as the actual flowers but I just wanted to share with you how different colors and shapes of tulips you will get to enjoy if you go to Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen) Tulip Garden.

Tulip Garden is located in the middle of Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen) so it is a bit far from the entrances. Tulip Garden is relatively closer from Akishima Gate or Nishi Tachikawa Gate. Here is the park map (in English).

Huge sign of Showa Kinen Park Tulip Garden.
Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen) is full of green trees and colorful flowers during the spring season. Tulips are surrounding small ponds in the middle of the park.
Sweet pink tulips
Red kinds of tulips
Yellow kinds of tulips
Mixing different colors of tulips – breathtaking
Rows and rows of different kinds of tulips
White tulips remind me of wedding bouquet
Unusual shape of tulips. Reminds me of Lotus flowers
Blocks and blocks of different kinds of tulips in one garden
Unusual shape of yellow tulips
This unusual shape of purple flowers are also tulips!
Hot pink tulips
See these tulips dancing in the wind
Passionate orange tulips
Elegant white and purple combination of tulips
Not just tulips, you can enjoy Nemophila as well in Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen)

Bring your date, friends and family to Showa Memorial Park (Showa Kinen Koen) Flower Festival. You won’t regret it!

Check out the opening hours and information about the park below!

Opening Hours and Closure


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